Dear Friends,
As you may have heard last night in the news, there was a military coup attempt happened by a group within the Turkish military. It is not easy to say who these people are (lots of conspiracies out there) but certainly it effected badly entire nation. Military coup attempt was unsuccessful but for quiet few hours we thought that they take over the entire leadership. Now we are all OK and things are settled. Let me tell you more. Middle of the night, we have heard that tanks and soldiers were all over the Ankara and İstanbul. I started to follow news from twitter and see some pictures of soldiers that are not letting people walk pass the Bosphorus Bridge. Then some more bad news of soldiers started to shoot the crowd. We heard that people were dying. In few hours planes and helicopters started to shoot around especially to our own parliament (while MP's are in emergency meeting), soldiers were everywhere in major cities. At this stage military announced from the national tv that they have taken control, and there was a country wide curfew is in place. Truly shocking. Eventually President called people to go out, so that these people can not took over the cities. Even Imams made a call from the minarets around 2am 'go out and don't let these people take over'. Well this was a dangerous call, however people did it. Thousands of people started to go outside and try to stop coup attempt alongside with police force. President, Prime Minister and few Generals said that 'this was not the entire Army force but it was a small group of them (couple of thousands)'. Soon as people heard that this attempt was not done by the entire Turkish Army force things have changed pretty quickly. Police forces and people in the streets took a serious stance against these so called army since they knew that this was a small group. But at this stage there were already over 1000 injured and over 150 died. Well all these things happened in Ankara and İstanbul and it has not effected us in Antalya. We have only heard minaret calls (to go outside and not let army took over), car horns and people walking outside... But that's it. By the morning coup soldiers started to surrender. Things now calmed down and pretty much all of the coup army have taking over by the police. This was a shocking situation as you can imagine. We don't know what is expecting us at this point. Please continue to pray for us and our nation. Kerem
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