
In evaluating the needs of the church in this country we have received many requests for written materials from a wide variety of recipients. The goal of Via Christus Ministries (no need for this word) Publishing is to provide “free material”. Not only are these books provided free of charge, even the shipping of these books is paid by our ministry.
Our first publication, Jonah: Salvation Comes From the Lord, was published and distributed in 2014. Previously, no commentary on Jonah had been published in the Turkish language. It was written by a Turkish pastor (Let’s put my name in there) and for a Turkish audience.
For our second publication (Concise Theology is not second, it is fourth, maybe we can mention Washer’s book and Chapell’s book first), we wanted to prepare a resource that would serve equally well as an introduction to doctrine, a manual of theology terms, or a devotional study. We chose Concise Theology by J. I. Packer. This proved to be a most challenging translation project. Many of the terms and concepts simply had no equivalent Turkish translation. In order to preserve the original intent in its writings, many hours were spent by our editing team in order to prepare an accurate document. The work has been published and is being distributed.
This past year produced two additional works for distribution from the Via Christus Publishing Ministry. To facilitate pastors and church leaders in presenting the gospel message, we selected The Gospel’s Message and Power by Paul Washer. The gospel is about God and His eternal glory. That is where it starts, and that is where it takes us in the end. Preached rightly, the gospel convicts and humbles every human heart. It underscores the exceeding sinfulness of our sin. It rebukes even our most laudable works of righteousness. In short, the gospel is the best of all good news and the most important message anyone has ever proclaimed.
Many of those contacting us are seekers searching for answers to their basic questions concerning the Faith and have never heard the Gospel. To meet the needs of this group we wanted a short and clear presentation. What is the Gospel?, by Brian Chapell, explains that the gospel is the message that God sent a savior to rescue broken people, restore creation’s glory, and rule over all with compassion and justice. This work also examines how the salvation that unfolds in Scripture grants to God’s people the right to participate in the furthering of the kingdom that transforms all things for his glory.
As a follow up to What is the Gospel, our current translation and publication project is The Plan by Colin S. Smith. From eternity past God has had a perfect plan for the world. The Fall and entrance of sin into the world did not surprise him, nor did it detract from his plan. All things have been sovereignly worked to this end. What exactly is this plan, and where do we learn about it? Colin Smith demonstrates that God’s plan is shown in the Bible and centers around his promise to bring sinners to eternal life, through Christ, for his glory. The Old Testament tells the story of the making of the promise, which is fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s people, the church, spread the good news of this promise to the world, and the Holy Spirit is given to believers as the seal of the promise.
Via Christus Publication (The turkish name is Via Christus Yayınları, In turkish it is plural. I am not sure how we will use in english, but would be good to be consistent) supports the work of The Gospel Coalition as a renewal movement dedicated to a scripture-based reformation of ministry practices. We are excited to see the publication and distribution of these books in the native language of this country. Join us in prayer that God will use these resources for His Kingdom work here.
Our first publication, Jonah: Salvation Comes From the Lord, was published and distributed in 2014. Previously, no commentary on Jonah had been published in the Turkish language. It was written by a Turkish pastor (Let’s put my name in there) and for a Turkish audience.
For our second publication (Concise Theology is not second, it is fourth, maybe we can mention Washer’s book and Chapell’s book first), we wanted to prepare a resource that would serve equally well as an introduction to doctrine, a manual of theology terms, or a devotional study. We chose Concise Theology by J. I. Packer. This proved to be a most challenging translation project. Many of the terms and concepts simply had no equivalent Turkish translation. In order to preserve the original intent in its writings, many hours were spent by our editing team in order to prepare an accurate document. The work has been published and is being distributed.
This past year produced two additional works for distribution from the Via Christus Publishing Ministry. To facilitate pastors and church leaders in presenting the gospel message, we selected The Gospel’s Message and Power by Paul Washer. The gospel is about God and His eternal glory. That is where it starts, and that is where it takes us in the end. Preached rightly, the gospel convicts and humbles every human heart. It underscores the exceeding sinfulness of our sin. It rebukes even our most laudable works of righteousness. In short, the gospel is the best of all good news and the most important message anyone has ever proclaimed.
Many of those contacting us are seekers searching for answers to their basic questions concerning the Faith and have never heard the Gospel. To meet the needs of this group we wanted a short and clear presentation. What is the Gospel?, by Brian Chapell, explains that the gospel is the message that God sent a savior to rescue broken people, restore creation’s glory, and rule over all with compassion and justice. This work also examines how the salvation that unfolds in Scripture grants to God’s people the right to participate in the furthering of the kingdom that transforms all things for his glory.
As a follow up to What is the Gospel, our current translation and publication project is The Plan by Colin S. Smith. From eternity past God has had a perfect plan for the world. The Fall and entrance of sin into the world did not surprise him, nor did it detract from his plan. All things have been sovereignly worked to this end. What exactly is this plan, and where do we learn about it? Colin Smith demonstrates that God’s plan is shown in the Bible and centers around his promise to bring sinners to eternal life, through Christ, for his glory. The Old Testament tells the story of the making of the promise, which is fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God’s people, the church, spread the good news of this promise to the world, and the Holy Spirit is given to believers as the seal of the promise.
Via Christus Publication (The turkish name is Via Christus Yayınları, In turkish it is plural. I am not sure how we will use in english, but would be good to be consistent) supports the work of The Gospel Coalition as a renewal movement dedicated to a scripture-based reformation of ministry practices. We are excited to see the publication and distribution of these books in the native language of this country. Join us in prayer that God will use these resources for His Kingdom work here.
About Via Christus Ministries:
Turkish Speakers are located predominantly in Turkey, with smaller groups in Germany, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Northern Cyprus, and other parts of Europe and Central Asia. There are very limited resources in the Turkish language for believers and seekers. Via Christus Ministries provides free Biblical resources and teaching to Turkish speakers in order to strengthen their faith and raise up a new generation of church leaders. The ministry consists of three components: Web Site, Publishing, and an Academy.
Turkish Speakers are located predominantly in Turkey, with smaller groups in Germany, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Northern Cyprus, and other parts of Europe and Central Asia. There are very limited resources in the Turkish language for believers and seekers. Via Christus Ministries provides free Biblical resources and teaching to Turkish speakers in order to strengthen their faith and raise up a new generation of church leaders. The ministry consists of three components: Web Site, Publishing, and an Academy.